Thursday, December 08, 2005


At 12:36 PM, Blogger benji said...

I'll save my christmas comment for later, but I wanted to update you on the whole starbucks coffee thing. two things happened. first, i went into starbucks to get a small coffee. naturally instead of calling it a venti, grande or tall, i asked for a small coffee (my littel f u to the corporation). Then the "barista" asked if by small i meant a "tall" or a "short". what?! i repeated that i wanted a small. she asked again if i wanted the 8 oz "short" or the 12 oz "tall". Damn you barista! she knew what i wanted but wanted me to say "short" or "tall". i said "the 12 oz small". YEA! I WIN!
Secondly, i tried their pumkin spice latte and it's like pumkin pie in juice form. so delicious. i love starbucks! vive la revolucion...

At 2:23 PM, Blogger scs said...

Way to fight the power, Benj. I was heartened and invigorated by your counter-culturalism until you were poisoned by the juice of consumerism in pumpkin pie form. Damn those latte-makers.

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Toddy said...

Since Thanksgiving I have taken to walking my dog to Marlow & Sons in the morning and getting a shot of espresso.

I don't even know what not having a shot of espresso in teh morning feels like anymore.

I feel helpless and afraid.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger scs said...

Time to read "Caffeine Blues" by Stephen Cherniske. Especially Chapter 10: "Getting Off the Bean."


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